Jun 8, 2023
No one enjoys making mistakes, as they can result in wasted time and money and cause significant stress and frustration. In the complex world of retirement planning, there are countless pitfalls one could fall into if you aren’t properly prepared. In this episode, we’re going talk about the top 5 money mistakes that Scott often sees in retirement planning and how to avoid making them.
Here's what we’ll discuss in this episode:
Want to get in touch?
Web: https://sierensfinancialgroup.com/
Email: office@sierensfinancialgroup.com
Phone: 847-235-6989
Read more and get additional financial resources here: http://lifemoneyshow.com
Check out our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPhQ-u12d60Z0HNCwwVubdQ
Social Security Guide: http://lifemoneyshow.com/socialsecurity/
Life of Tax Article: https://www.self.inc/info/life-of-tax/#:~:text=Key%20statistics,(%241%2C571%2C244)%20spent%20on%20taxes
Medicare Episode: https://five.libsyn.com/episodes/view/26813553